Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Night Of Champions and Monday Night Raw Recap

Image Credit: www.wwe.com

Brock Lesnar sucks and when he wrestles Cena again at next months PPV he's still going to suck. I'm glad he got curb stomped. It makes me like Seth Rollins so much more. Seeing he's everywhere, that's not a bad thing. Lesnar's lack of passion really bothers me. Even when Punk hated WWE he was still passionate about wrestling. I don't get Brock. SEND HIM BACK! Sunday night also marked the start of the Dust Bros. reign. Deserving of the tag team title, they wear heel well. 

As for Raw, any night i get to see the Miz's ass crack is a good night. While we're on the subject of ass, Seth Rollins butt in those leather pants. Omg, swoon. The athlete's clothes have been catching my attention a lot lately. Any one notice that Kane wears dress slacks?
Lunatic Dean Ambrose makes for exciting wrestling. He's bat shit crazy and I like it. Coming out of the box during the main event was hysterical . Who came up with that! The weirdos earned the spotlight. Let them shine! John Cena/Dean Ambrose vs. Rollins/Orton/Kane is just what I needed. Milk it for as long as you can, WWE. Long time rivalries all the way around will create some good story lines. Let's see what happens next week. 
PS. I did not like that jab at Dusty Rhodes the announcers made. Oldust is not funny.


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